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Re: [MiNT] XaAES + toolbar behavior

Am 12.12.2010, 10:06 Uhr, schrieb Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski@ish.de>:

Am 12.12.2010, 01:23 Uhr, schrieb Peter Persson <pep.fishmoose@gmail.com>:

Is there some sane way to check for the presence of these extra calls, other than figuring out which AES I'm running?

Sorry I did not read correctly - seems XaAES does not report when calling non-existent AES-Traps.


I'm a little confused about graf_movebox: The handler (handler.c) does not provide an interface for it:

/* 72 */ { NULL, 0, DESCR("graf_movebox") }, // unimplemented

But there is a function XA_graf_movebox in xa_graf.c.

Maybe this applies to others too. What happens if you call graf_movebox?

Helmut Karlowski