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Re: [MiNT] AES font

On 09/14/2010 10:41 PM, Helmut Karlowski wrote:

>>> 2. The window title still use the system font (that is, font ID 1). Is
>>> this correct? It looks odd.
>> I just installed the latest trunk kernel/XaAES, and this is still the
>> same. Shouldn't the window title font be set to font_id too? The same
>> applies to the infoline, although the menu widget font is correct.
> How do you install another font? I tried to set font_id=2 or 5 in
> xaaes.cnf, and nothing changed.

Then you don't have a font with this ID.

> And furthermore I wouldn't expect much from using other fonts.

It works fine in dialogs, although a few programs (like my own KeyEdit!)
expects the font to be monospaced.

Jo Even