here is the updated patch for extended textures. its identical to the original 1-17-cur patch, with some reworded & added comments (win_draw.c had changed by +-300 lines) Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER INFO you can check if its working with the following zip: that skin is designed to be used with the widgets found in "" or "" FYI: the textures "cascade" from the original set to the new "full" set. ie, if you dont have a vslide.img or vslider.img then slide.img or slider.img are used for the vertical sliders as well. same goes for the unfocused textures. this allows older "themes" to function out of the box, which allows you to keep memory usage down as well THEMES: There is an XaAES skinning tut is available here: NOTE: If someone can post about an app or list of apps that can produce 24bit img (XIMG) files that are usable by XaAES, that would help everyone out a lot. I could not find one that worked in Aranym/AFROS, so the textures in the zip and the tuts deal with 265 color only. Please test the images before posting, as XaAES is very particular in this respect. NAMING CONVENTIONS: are in the attached "themes.txt" (tried to keep them simple and logical), and .IMG files go in the usual place (atm C:\mint\1-17-cur\xaaes\img\8b & C:\mint\1-17-cur\xaaes\img\hc) I look forward to some new skins/themes Enjoy
Theme relate functions The seems to be the beginnings of a "themes engine", referred to in the code as "theme modules". The code also implies that a binary module is talked too.. Most of these functions are in WIN_DRAW.C. Functions are listed in order found. Dynamic gradient changing will require new functions. External access to certain functions would be useful, either XA_AES protocol, or gemscript, or struct in shared memeory. For other gradient structs, see RENDER_OBJ.C, whiled the "chiseled 3D look" is beneath those structs, starting at "Local helper functions". I will aso look at generating UDO docs on XaAES - Paul pixel format functions: (in TRNFM.C, plus) pix_2_sl sl_2_pix color functions: (base colors and resources) duplicate_theme delete_theme struct window_colours struct window_colours def_otop_cols (focused) struct window_colours def_utop_cols (unfocused) ref_colortheme_resources deref_colortheme_resources cleanup_colortheme gradient functions: (related to use of color gradients) struct xa_gradient otop_vslide_gradient (focused) struct xa_gradient otop_hslide_gradient (focused) struct xa_gradient otop_vslider_gradient (focused) struct xa_gradient otop_hslider_gradient (focused) struct xa_gradient utop_vslide_gradient (unfocused) struct xa_gradient utop_hslide_gradient (unfocused) struct xa_gradient utop_vslider_gradient (unfocused) struct xa_gradient utop_hslider_gradient (unfocused) struct xa_gradient otop_title_gradient (focused) struct xa_gradient utop_title_gradient (unfocused) struct xa_gradient otop_info_gradient (focused) struct xa_gradient utop_info_gradient (unfocused) struct xa_gradient otop_green_gradient (unused) struct xa_gradient otop_grey_gradient (focused) struct xa_gradient utop_grey_gradient (unfocused) free_priv_gradients find_gradient window frame darwing functions: (window frame "widgets") draw_pu_canvas draw_widg_box draw_widget_text draw_widg_icon get_widg_gradient set_widg_size build_bfobspec widget functions: (related to window widgets) get_wcol set_wcol fix_widg fix_default_widgets foreach_widget delete_pmap texturing functions: (loading and specific assignment of textures) set_texture free_texture (unused) delete_texture load_texture init_sliders info_texture title_texture installtexture test_img_stuff module functions: (beginnings of "AES theme modules") init_module exit_module new_theme free_theme delete_color_theme new_color_theme free_color_theme struct xa_module_widget_theme module exit_module main_xa_theme Textures: Current CVS (20091128) texture list and "new" extensions. Add "v" to begining of filename for "vertical" and "u" to end for "unfocused" except where the 8.3 file format would be broken, then replace first character with "u". New textures can incrementally replace old ones. ie one texture for slider, indivudual textures for unfocused slider and vslider. See "Extended basic texturing" and "init sliders" for logical ordering of image loading. | original file | where | with focus | unfocused | new file | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- slwtitle.img File Selector Title slwtitle ulwtitle ulwtitle.img wtitle.img Window Title wtitle wtitleu wtitleu.img slider.img Scrollbar Slider slider slideru slideru.img slide.img Scrollbar background slide slideu slideu.img Vertical Slider vslider vslideru vslider.img Vertical Slider vslideru vslideru.img Vertical background vslide vslideu vslide.img Vertical background vslideu vslideu.img info.img Info Area Background info infou infou.img exterior.img Base Window Frame BG exterior uxterior uxterior.img
Description: Binary data