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[MiNT] extended textures in XaAES

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Helmut Karlowski
<helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:
> Am 13.05.2010, 18:18 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:
>>Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:
>>>I just tried with 1-17-xaloader (I think from my branch) and MiNT 1.16 on aranym: it works.
>> this is good to know, are you ready to put the extended texture code into
>> XaAES?
> I'm always ready ;)
> But currently I have other things in mind. Is there any real good argument
> to have this now?
because addind the code/patch will not add to current memory usage
because I have had to put on hold all graphical development for mint
for 7 months now
because the objects are already there, taking up memory, but not being
used (individually)
because the amount of memory used can be dramtically less than what it
is currently
because currently texturing a unique vertical & horizontal scroll bar
with backgrounds is impossible, being forced to use a 768x768 pixel
image (it chows an ungodly amount of memory)
because new textures can be released in 2 pixel wide tiles with 256
color palettes, makeing even an extended texture skin able to use much
less memory than current skins
because no one with cvs access has any intention of look at graphics
stuff for at least another 12 months
becuase there is no FreeMiNT point release in the forseeable future
because other projects are also being held up
..and finally..
because the code required is neglagible, adding 1 extra IF statement
per currently supported texture space

> I don't use the themes.
but others do, or want to, but there arenat any good ones, or they are
near imposible to make. Skinning one of the reasons people started
using XaAES, and its still one of its "selling points"

> Helmut

I could probably list a few more (solid) reasons if you are not yet convinced

basically, if you want more people to help get FreeMiNT & XaAES tested
and supply bugfixes, you will have to give them flash graphics too

this is the essence for the AFROS-update, which also needs a stable
kernel release, and an easy way to update FreeMiNT/XaAES


BTW I did not mention gradients..