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Re: [MiNT] [PATCH] gcc, disable no-multilib directory if multilib switch given

Miro Kropacek wrote:
and for gcc -m68020-60 -o hello hello.c -lncurses -lreadline -lm error
will be printed as there are no 020+ variants of readline and ncurses.

No, it will work like now.
I propose this m68000 directory solution as an alternative to Patrice's patch. So the default /usr/lib will be searched anyway.

If you use a new version of gemlib, there will never be a bad link, because there will be no /usr/lib/libgem.a.

If you use the old ncurses package, it will work as before, with potential bad links. But when we release a new ncurses package, with multiple libraires in their subdirs, it will be immunized against bad links.

Finally, to protect any library against bad links, we just have to recompile it multiple times with the new installation scheme.

At the beginning /usr/lib will contain old libraries, then when all the libraries are rebuilt in the new way, it will be become empty.

This is a progressive solution.

Vincent Rivière