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Re: [MiNT] [PATCH] gcc, disable no-multilib directory if multilib switch given

Miro Kropacek wrote:
Are you aware of the fact in such case one needs _every_ library to
have in 020+ version?

Doing anything else is suicidal.
Different CPU options must be considered as incompatible.

For integers, 68020-60 code is compatible with 68000 libraries (while unoptimal). But functions returning floats return them in the FPU register fp0 with 68020-60, or in d0 with 68000. This has been incompatible for ages, including GCC 2.95 (however, this could have been configured differently).

And ColdFire is totally incompatible with 68000, no library mix is allowed.

So adding your check will force us to be more strict.

Vincent Rivière