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Re: [MiNT] Keyboard handler

Am 22.04.2010, 20:56 Uhr, schrieb Miro Kropacek <miro.kropacek@gmail.com>:

old Eiffel) on newer FreeMiNT kernels plus we all know some issues with
keyboard handler generally (insert key in some applications, Texel and Kobol
from what I remember), what about reverting that new keyboard handler to

I've fixed that in my kernel (about a year ago).

IIRC, that handler was one of the last Draco's works, I clearly remember

I thought it was Adam Klobukowski (or similar)?

when he included it into source tree, Insert key in Kobold + some other
things in Aniplayer stopped to work, i.e. it wasn't totally bug-free. And

Aniplayer works fine here.

since we know everything (Eiffel included) works well in plain TOS and

That will surely get fixed: Alan is at it already, and I'm also approaching to it.

(1.15) kernels... it seems like good idea to me. What do you think?

This used the ROM-handler. I don't know if it's this handler, but MiNT 1.17 runs much more stable than 1.15. It just needs some adjustment.

But it should be possible to configure MiNT to use the ROM-keyboard instead (like on Milan if I'm not wrong).

Helmut Karlowski