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Re: [MiNT] Gentoo FreeMiNT

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 3:56 AM, Miro Kropacek <miro.kropacek@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's very difficult to revert to a backup if the system is trashed
>> and all you have left is TOS.
> this is again not true. All you need is mint.prg, xaaes and ext2.xfs (stored
> on diskette, CF card, anything). If your system is trashed (its unix side),
> you can change INIT= in mint.cnf from /sbin/init to let's say xaloader.prg,
> i.e. activate GEM and browse filesystem manually (and fix the issues if
> needed).
sorry to target you Miro, but what you quote, although true, is based
on experience, not something that easily figured out. I know linux, I
know mint, and even I was stumped the first time EasyMiNT failed. If
is was not for the fact that I had read MiNTOS install proceedures and
a couple of INIT=init examples (which did not make sense at the time),
I would have been screw, and I was using ARAnyM, which is infinitly
more flexible that real hardware. I presume others have had the same
issues, but probable unresolved without a clean start.

> So don't blame Alan / mint, it's just lack of your knowledge (which
> is OK, people are here to help but "mint upgrade sucks" isn't exactly the
> right attitude to ask questions / solve problems).
nor is berating someone because of their lack of knowledge,
frustration at the volume of unfinnished works, and general
instability which is the pride of out chosen platform. Try stick to
solutions and consise (not vague from newbies pov) answers, in the
same way they are provided to you

I seriously doubt anyone on this list blames any one person for any
failure, well actually a quick review of the fast couple years post
proves otherwise, but still, I guareentee they are not meant as
personal attacks (they bloody better be)

>> Been there, done that with far too many systems. I've done Ubuntu updates
>> that trashed the system so bad it took two weeks of solid effort to get
>> them back to usable.
> Again, lack of knowledge. Proper choice of partitions and safety precautions
> can't take you more then 2-3 hours even for complete reinstall with all your
> customizations and additions.
> --
again: where is this clearly stated - "Proper choice of partitions and
safety precautions" (it is true non the less)

> MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
> http://mikro.atari.org

With all you success lately, do you have a finished zView, and
zWeather (and did you make some tests with zView as I suggested), I am
looking forward to more stability in my desktop
