On 1/13/10 1:59 PM, Christos Tziotzis wrote:
A friend and I tried to install MiNT on his 4MB MSTE without XFS. However
the memory usage was approximately 3MB of RAM living only 1 to the user. As
you can see this makes the system almost useless. So:
Is there a way to minimize the memory usage?
Also could this be an effect of left over code in MiNT? And if so, should
there be a clean up of the code?
The system was: MiNT, XaAES, Teradesk, and Ethernec driver.
This is about right :(. I too want to run mint on my MSTe so I hunted
solutions and found one. The Magnum STe. This isn't for sale anymore and
wasn't for sale for very long but it is a 14MB st ram board for ste's. They
also made an ST variant as well as a TT variant that allowed 256mb! of tt
ram. I searched for a couple weeks and got in touch with the author. I
found the schematics online and hunted down all the components to build a
board. The author graciously sent me the CPLD code as well as the gerber
files to have a pcb made! The author even gave me permission to sell the
boards with profit! If all goes well I'll have 2 MSTe's with 14MB of ram and
the parts to build 6 more of them to send to people! If it works, I will buy
the rest of the components I need to make as many as possible but the CPLD is
no longer available through normal channels. I still have to go over the
gerber files and submit it to batchpcb. The CPLD's are very expensive so any
boards produced are going to be well over $100USD in components and pcb cost
alone but hey... Also an associate of the developer has several Magnum ST
and TT boards left and I asked him to send them to me which he is doing for
the price of postage! These guys definitely have no atari interest anymore.
But between this and the MSTEIDEM there is a reason to built mint for ST.
The sad thing is between Aranym, 2 TT's and my falcon, I have no idea WHY I
want to make my mste usable with mint... I just DO.