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Re: [MiNT] libgem16: vs_color

Am 18.01.2010, 19:51 Uhr, schrieb Henk Robbers <h.robbers@chello.nl>:

I have done some annotation (see attachment) and I failed to see
anything wrong.

It's all right, I agree.

But it looks as if you have sent the good one, not the *ptr++ version.

Maybe gcc has opted the ptr out (I'm not sure which version this was).

If you make VDI_CNTRLMAX even, all stack references will be
long aligned. :-)

Did that already: No cure (see other post).

This is gcc -S-output (the *ptr++ - version, 15 words for control)

.globl _vs_color
  lea (-64,sp),sp
  move.l d2,-(sp)
  move.w 72(sp),d2
  move.w 74(sp),d0
  move.l 76(sp),a0
  clr.l 6(sp)
  clr.l 10(sp)
  clr.l 34(sp)
  clr.l 38(sp)
  clr.l 42(sp)
  clr.l 46(sp)
  clr.l 50(sp)
  clr.l 54(sp)
  clr.l 58(sp)
  clr.w 62(sp)
  lea (34,sp),a1
  move.l a1,14(sp)
  lea (6,sp),a1
  move.l a1,18(sp)
  clr.l 22(sp)
  move.l #_vdi_dummy,26(sp)
  move.l #_vdi_dummy,30(sp)
  move.w d0,6(sp)
  move.w (a0)+,8(sp)
  move.w (a0)+,10(sp)
  move.w (a0),12(sp)
  lea (14,sp),a1
  movea.l a1,a0
  move.l  a0,d1
  move.l  (a0),a0
  move.l  #917504,(a0)+
  move.l  #4,(a0)+
  move.l  #0,(a0)+
  move.w  d2,(a0)
  move.w  #115,d0
  trap  #2
  move.l (sp)+,d2
  lea (64,sp),sp

Helmut Karlowski