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Re: [MiNT] Freeing child's base page

Miro Kropacek wrote:

       Mfree( ldg->baspag);
      ldg->baspag = NULL;

Funny thing is the memory violation does _not_ occur when Mfree (bp) is
commented out, that's the point why I'm so curious what's happening here, if
it's only some coincidence / undefined behavior or something else.

Could ldg and ldg->baspag happen to point to the same Malloc area?
Is the ldg structure made part of the tpa somehow and ldg->baspag
points to that tpa? Freeing that tpa then also invalidates ldg.

Just some idees.

Groeten; Regards.
Henk Robbers. http://members.chello.nl/h.robbers
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