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Re: [MiNT] windom and gcc4

Hello all
    Quick translation: "to avoid zView crashing when quitting [under MP],
you'll have to wait for a new release of the ldg.prg TSR, which I have

Hmm, trouble is I don't use ldg.prg (i.e. plugins are duplicated in memory). But it may have something in common, for sure.

If I remember ldg.prg avaible can't work in protected mode, I have a patch somewhere on my old computer I never realeased (sorry)
For ldg_unload() I think never try to find a bug in it.

There is no relation with zView crash in protected mode and ldg this is a Windom bug in VA protocol (perhaps fix now I don't know) , I'm able to fix it in at fly in MyAES but it can't work on other AES.

I'm going to look in source code soon, remember that ldg library can't use mintlib without use of Arnaud Bercegeay lib to correct some memory trouble.
