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Re: [MiNT] Daily freemint kernel builds

On Friday 8 January 2010, Alan Hourihane wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 22:32 +0100, J. F. Lemaire wrote:
> > On Thursday 7 January 2010, Alan Hourihane wrote:
> > > So I've setup my FreeMiNT kernel build script and it now produces
> > > four binary tarballs.
> > >
> > > One from freemint-enhancements (alan-<date>.tar.bz2)
> > > One from helmut-enhancements (helmut-<date>.tar.bz2)
> > > One from ozk-enhancements (ozk-<date>.tar.bz2)
> > > One from the trunk (trunk-<date>.tar.bz2)
> >
> > I tried the trunk one and XaAES fails to load because of an
> > outdated resource file. But there are no resource file in the
> > tarball.
> Thanks. I've updated the script and todays build (in about an hour)
> will have new files.

It's certainly better with the resource but now XaAES can't figure out 
the pretty common 256 colour mode of my Falcon. See the attached boot 
log. No texture nor icons are displayed except within the desktop.

Jean-François Lemaire
**** Leave kernel for shutdown
Cleaning up ready to exit....
wait for AES help thread to terminate....
Removing all remaining windows
Freeing delayed deleted windows
Closing and deleting root window
shutting down aes thread .. tp=2044A000
Freeing Aes environment
cancel aesmsgs
cancel cevents
cancel keyqueue
freeing attachements
free clientlistname
Exit widget theme module
Freeing wind_calc cache
freeing attachments
Exit object render module
freeing wtlist
Free main XaAES client structure
Freeing cnf stuff
Freeing Options
C.shutdown = 0x8007
Closing down vwk
Closing down physical vdi workstation
Get current cpu cache settings... cm = FF07, sc = CF07
Enter cursor mode
Closing VDI workstation 1
VDI workstation closed
Restore CPU caches
Done shutting down VDI
leaving k_shutdown()
Closing adi_mouse
Closing alert pipe
Waking up loader: 76 20574000 2050B828 2
Closing kbd dev:7
bootlog 'u:\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\xa_boot.log'

~~~~~~~~~~~~ XaAES start up!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sysfile_exits: 'u:/c/mint/1-17-cur/moose.xdd'
sysfile_exits: 'u:/c/mint/1-17-cur/moose_w.adi'
sysfile_exits: 'u:/c/mint/1-17-cur/moose.adi'
module path: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\'
sysfile_exits: 'u:\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\moose_w.adi'
  XaAES v0.998 Alpha
MultiTasking AES for MiNT

(c) 1995-1999 Craig Graham, Johan Klockars, Martin Koehling, Thomas Binder
              and other assorted dodgy characters from around the world...
(c) 1999-2003 Henk Robbers @ Amsterdam
    2003-2004 Frank Naumann <fnaumann@freemint.de> and
              Odd Skancke <ozk@atari.org>

Using Harald Siegmunds NKCC

Date: Jan  7 2010, time: 14:56:55
Supports mouse wheels
Compile time switches enabled:
 - Client vector validation
 - Realtime (live) window scrolling, moving and sizing
 - Preserve dialog backgrounds

bootmessage ok!
setup_handler_table ok!
set bit 3 in conterm ok!
nkc_init ok!
load adi modules
Loading AES Device Drivers:
Creating XaAES kernel thread
nvdi version = 503
Falcon video: mode 27(1B)
Screenmode is: 5
Physical work station opened: 1
v_exit_cur ok!
Virtual work station opened: 2
unsupported color depth!
Video info: width(768/576), planes :265, colours 256
stdfont: id = 1, size = 10, cw=8, ch=16
smlfont: id = 1, size = 8, cw=6, ch=6
Display Device: Phys_handle=1, Virt_handle=2
 size=[768,576], colours=256, bitplanes=265
Loading system resource file 'xaaes.rsc'
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\xaaes.rsc' exists - return = 0
system resource = 204A0004 (xaaes.rsc)
Attempt to open object render module...
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\xa_xtobj.rsc' exists - return = 0
Attempt to open new object theme...
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dbox.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dbox.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dbox.img
  depacking...OK!, no palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\popbkg.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\popbkg.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\popbkg.img
  depacking...OK!, has palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dbutton.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dbutton.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dbutton.img
  depacking...OK!, no palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dtext.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dtext.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\dtext.img
  depacking...OK!, no palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

Attempt to open window widget renderer...
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\widgets/x-e-ish.rsc' exists - return = 0
 === Init widget tree 203E6548, for   XaAES v0.998 Alpha
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\slider.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\slider.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\slider.img
  depacking...OK!, has palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\slide.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\slide.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\slide.img
  depacking...OK!, no palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\info.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\info.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\info.img
  depacking...OK!, no palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\wtitle.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\wtitle.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\wtitle.img
  depacking...OK!, no palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\slwtitle.img' exists - return = -33
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\exterior.img' exists - return = 0
load_img: '\c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\exterior.img'
load_img: file \c\MINT\1-17-CUR\XAAES\img\hc\exterior.img
  depacking...OK!, no palette
 unknown pixel format - cannot transform

Setting up default window widget theme...
creating root window
 === Init widget tree 205661D8, for   XaAES v0.998 Alpha
setting default desktop
 === Init widget tree 205660F8, for   XaAES v0.998 Alpha
really opening now...
opening root window
..root window opened
initialized iconify grid
Menu redrawn
mn_set for menu_settings setup
show mouse, return sucess
k_init returned OK
Opened alert pipe 'u:\pipe\alert' to 6
Opened keyboard device 'u:\dev\console' to 7
Wheel support present
Using moose adi
Handles: KBD 7, ALERT 6
 === Init widget tree 203E6CC8, for   XaSYS
init_helpthread done
C.Hlp started 2056A474, 0
Loading AES modules...
 Entering main loop ------------------------------------
loading accs ---------------------------
loading accessories from 'C:\ACC\'
load_accs: enter (C:\ACC\)
load_accs: launch (C:\ACC\cops.acc)
loading shell and autorun ---------------
Launch shell 'u:\c\thing\thing.app' with args 'No args'
remove_wt: wt 203AD520
remove_wt: wt 205661D8
 === Init widget tree 203C6038, for   XaSYS
remove_wt: wt 203C6038
remove_from_wtlist: removed wt=203C6038 from   XaSYS list
free_wt: wt=203C6038
  --- extra not alloced
  --- ufreed obtree 20168004
  --- freed wt=203C6038
free_wt: done
remove_wt: wt 205661D8
 === Init widget tree 20495448, for   XaSYS
remove_wt: wt 205661D8
remove_wt: wt 205661D8