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Re: [MiNT] trouble with mintlib + gcc 4.4.2

2010/1/7 Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:
> Miro Kropacek wrote:
>>         echo `which cpp | sed -e 's/\/cpp//'`
>> when I run this on easymint as "make all", I get:
>> /bin/sh: alias: command not found
>> /usr/local/bin
>> Does anybody know where that "command not found" comes from? It does not
>> happen in linux.
> which which
> will tell you the answer :-)
> Remember that by default the makefile commands are interpreted by /bin/sh,
> not your favourite shell.
> So you should run manually sh and test your command there.
> One solution could be to use:
> /usr/bin/which cpp
> because it will force using the external program and not the alias.
> But I don't like the absolute path.
> Another solution could be:
> env which cpp
> but it involves 2 external programs: env and which.
> An alternative could be the "type -p" sh builtin, but it may not be
> available on all shells.
> Personally I prefer the following:
> rpcgen-cmd := $(srcdir)/rpcgen -Y $(patsubst %/cpp,%,$(shell which cpp))
> It is optimal because the only external command run is "which", executed
> directly from make without an intermediate sh. The the make function
> pathsubst remove the trailing filename. And note the := which initializes
> the rpcgen-cmd variable once and not on every invokation.
> MiKRO, check what is good for you, and please provide a patch.
> --
> Vincent Rivière
also remember to symlink your shell to 'sh'

If what vincent says is true, then that last rpcgen-cmd is the way to
go. Does this affect a 2.95 and related tool chain set?
