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Re: [MiNT] patch:MiNT:KM_FREE

Am 14.12.2009, 08:00 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:

Is it possible to allow for both KM reload, and specifically with
reference to XaAES, to unload current KM, then load a new KM (with a
different filename). Or is there some reason why this should be
restricted to implementation in xa_loader.prg only.

There is no restriction. It should be possible to load any km with xaloader. Just use another argument on the commandline. It should be possible to have more kms loaded at the same time, but only one XaAES :)

do KM in the context of these and other threads, not constitute XIF,
XFS and XDD at least from the kernels point of view, and if not, why?
The only difference noted here is that they are hardware and/or
drivers, and XaAES is not. AES is technically a driver that abstracts
visual display/desktop, in the same way hardware drivers are an
abstraction of the hardware.

Yes - I'm asking me this too - I'm not an expert on this. Today I had the idea, fvdi should rather be an xdd than a km, because I think xdd stands for extended device driver.

Currently can  XIF, XFS and XDD be unloaded and loaded after the boot
process, and if not, why? The process for all should be consistent, if

Use the source :)

for no other reason that at some point in the future some one will
want to build a KM that clouds the line between hardware driver, and
software driver.

What line ;-)
