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Re: [MiNT] freemint-enhancements merge ??

Alan Hourihane a écrit :
To be honest, I don't think we should be trying to support older XFS
modules (or even XDD etc) from older kernels with a new kernel. They
should be stamped with a kernel version and only work with that kernel
version to avoid problems.
Linux started out like this and now has very strict versioning of kernel
modules with the installed kernel, and we should at least version ours

I totally agree. Compatibility sucks.

However a strict versioning like Linux may be too strong.
Maybe we could put some "module api version" in the kernel, and increment it whenever a kernel release breaks this API ?

Then in the modules, we would check the compatibility with the API version and fail if they are not compatible...

The other solution would be to break the compatibility and do nothing special. If someone has the bad idea of mixing modules from different kernels, the system will crash. No mercy for suicidal people.

Vincent Rivière