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Re: [MiNT] Greek keyboard table

Helmut Karlowski wrote:
Why not store the tables as they are? After all, there are RSC-files in the CVS.

Which is one of the reasons for no XaAES-update taking place ...

CVS has a special mode for binary files, there is no problem here.

For people who don't have write access to CVS (like you and me), the usual procedure for submitting modifications is to make a "unified diff" with the diff utility and to post it here.

Unfortunately diff is not designed to handle binary files (I may work - I don't know). Such binary patches would probably suffer while being transferred in ascii by email.

I don't know how binary patches are provided on other projects. But an obvious solution would be to provide a patch for the text files, and the whole binary files as attachments. Then the maintainer will just have to apply your patch, put the binary files at the right place, and commit.

If our maintainers agree with this procedure - let's go.

Vincent Rivière