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Re: [MiNT] Binutils 2.18 + GCC 4.2.3

On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 14:41 +0100, Vincent Rivière wrote:
> Some ideas if you want to mess the things even more :-)
> This is how to switch from 2-byte alignment to 4-byte alignment.
> In the binutils, file bfd/cpu-m68k.c
> Thar file should be reverted to the original version.
>   #define N(name, print,d,next)  \
> -{  32, 32, 8, bfd_arch_m68k, name, "m68k",print,2,d,bfd_m68k_compatible,bfd_default_scan, 
> next, }
> +{  32, 32, 8, bfd_arch_m68k, name, "m68k",print,1,d,bfd_m68k_compatible,bfd_default_scan, 
> next, }
> Note the number after "print". It is the alignement power.
> 2 indicates an alignment of 4 (=2^2)
> 1 indicates an alignment of 2 (=2^1)
> Then in GCC:
> In gcc/config/m68k/mint.h:
> Remove:
> And add :
> #undef ALIGN_ASM_OP
> #define ALIGN_ASM_OP "\t.align\t"
> #define ASM_OUTPUT_ALIGN(FILE,LOG)                              \
>    if ((LOG) > 0)                                                \
>      fprintf ((FILE), "%s%u\n", ALIGN_ASM_OP, 1 << (LOG));
> I just share what I know right now !
> All that stuff is completely untested, and might be totally wrong !
> Use with caution, only for experimental purpose !
> By the way, MiKRO, you should first fix your CPU and multilib problems.

I get this building gcc with the above patches.....

++-v3/include/iosfwd:71: warning: alignment of
'std::basic_stringbuf<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>
>::_ZTVSt15basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE' is greater than
maximum object file alignment.  Using 2
