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Re: [MiNT] sysdir

>> It just came to my mind, that the sysdir value (i.e. the pathname to
>> the directory where mint.cnf, modules etc. resides) could be exported
>> at startup time to the environment,
> Well, just set it in the mint.cnf, and you're done. Could even be
> possible with a shell command that takes the current path and writes
> it to the variable.

Yes, but I meant something that would be *always* available as standard
variable. This is not something that I need. This is something that I think
to be useful for others. So setting it in my own mint.cnf, eventhough
perfectly possible, would be a bit pointless, don't you think?

I cannot see how anyone could really benefit from a variable that in some
systems is present and in some not (and the 'benefit' is to avoid searching
mint.cnf on the boot drive in different folders). And also how such a thing
could be considered standard. So I thought that it could be useful to set it
automatically (no big deal). And I want to hear *objections* against that,
i.e. arguments on why it shouldn't be done so (like "security risk", "no
usability", "wasting of resources" etc).

Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, http://draco.atari.org

** Ea natura multitudinis est, aut seruit humiliter, aut superbe dominatur.
** Taka to już natura pospólstwa, albo służalczo się płaszczy,
** albo bezczelnie się panoszy. (T. Liuius XXIV, 25).