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[MiNT] Using ssh under MiNT

I have just been trying to use ssh under MiNT. In the past I used the
client program to connect to another host and this worked although I could
not get some keys to work properly.

Anyway, now I am trying to get the ssh daemon working on the TT. It seems
to be usable, and there is no problem with keyboard mapping, but what
happens is that directly after logging in, I get the following messages
from bash:

bash: initialize_jobs: line discipline: invalid function number
bash: no job control in this shell

And sure enough job control doesn't work.

When I am logged in, the who output for me is like so:

mb	tty	Wed Apr 19 16:15:51 (linux)

Shouldn't there be some sort of number after "tty" ?

And ps shows that my shell's tty is /dev/null .

Plus when logging out, I get in the system logs messages such as the

sshd[487]: error: select: file not found
sshd[487]: error: select: file not found
sshd[487]: log: Received SIGHUP; restarting.

It does what it says, evidently, restarts and continues to operate ok, but
it seems to me this is not the expected behaviour.

Any ideas why this would be happening?

| Mario Becroft           * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group      |
| mb@gem.win.co.nz        * Atari Hardware Developments                 |
| http://gem.win.co.nz/   *             >>> NEW MIDI-3 <<<              |