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Re: [MiNT] minimal support base

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:44:59 +0200, Martin-Eric Racine wrote:

MR>| PS:  it would be nice if as many people as possible expressed
MR>|      themselves on this issue, as it might determine a lot of
MR>|      things on how future kernel development will procede.
MR>|      Mere users are particularly welcome to express themselves
MR>|      on this issue, since they know better what hardware they
MR>|      need MiNT to perform.

For my personal needs i would say that MiNT should be developed 
for 68030, ...40, ...60, ...PPC? On my machine (a mere TT030) will 
run an AES (N.AES as a matter of fact). A MiNT that does not 
support the use of an AES is of little use to me. I will be forced 
to switch to MagiC.

>From a more general perspective i think that it would be nice 
if MiNT will remain usable on a 4 Mb 68000, probably without an 



                                               _/ _/_/ _/
============================================= _/ _/_/ _/ =======
 G.N. Cobben                                 _/ _/_/ _/
 Erasmus College Zoetermeer                 _/ _/_/ _/
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