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RE: [MiNT] Incorporating other calls into the

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999 08:59:48 +0200, Julian Reschke wrote:

>Please explain the difference in using a new system call (for which you
>would probably need new bindings) compared to using the existing calls on a
>socket handle...

Let me just add a bit more info.  New bindings for gemdos, bios, xbios,
vdi, and the aes are very easy to make on my own.  Usually only a few lines
of code and all I need to know is the opcode, and the paramaters going in
and what is returned.  The resolve() call for the socket stuff is very
different.  Pleaset have a look at the source code for resolve() in the net-101
archive to see what I mean.

Atari Computer User: Lonny Pursell        E-Mail: atari@bright.net
WWW: http://www.bright.net/~atari/       IRC: lp @ #Atari @ IRCnet