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Re: [MiNT] new VDI?

> > However, as I said before, I really think it would be better to do
> > something like that on top of X rather than GGI.
> > For example, that would make it possible to run VDI programs remote.
> You do know that there is an X target for GGI, right?

Yes, but fVDI on top of GGI on top of X seem a bit much.  ;-)
(If you're running on a local machine, that X might be on top of GGI itself.)

Still, since GGI is available on top of other things too (like DirectX, IIRC)
there certainly are some good reasons for a GGI VDI. I really doubt many
people would want to use the VDI when there are alternatives, though,
and for porting Atari software there are other problems.

If someone wants to try writing a GGI device driver for fVDI, or modify
fVDI itself to use GGI directly, please, go ahead.

It would be really neat if something like that could be made to work under
some of the various Atari emulators. A free emulator with full support for
high speed true colour graphics modes wouldn't exactly hurt.
(I've actually been planning to try something like that (or convince someone
 else to ;-) for Windows GDI, but perhaps GGI is a better option.)

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