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Re: [MiNT] 040/060 MMU tree builder beta available (fwd)

on Mon 31-05-1999 11:42 Thomas Binder wrote:


>Also note that Freedom (at least F2, but I guess this is valid for older
>versions as well) is not capable of running with memory protection 

Yep Freedom 2.05 doesn't work with memory protection.
>Furthermore, if Thing <= 1.27 (i.e. the current official versions) crash
>with a "private" violation, it's likely some accessory used private
>memory for the AV protocol. "Infamous" for this is ST-Guide; you need to
>set the program header flags to at least "readable" to make it work with
>MP enabled.

Oke, I changed the program header flag of ST-Guide.
Thing doesn't crash anymore but Taskbar still crash with a "free" 
The thing that worriest me the most is that I can't use cache-on.prg to 
speed up my system. If I launch it from desktop my whole system just 
freeze. As soon as I double click on the prg the cache-on icon disappears 
and so does the mousepointer.

O-Tagger ß1.24: Tomorrow has been cancelled due to lack of interest.
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