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Re: [MiNT] Q about MP

On Sun, 16 May 1999 22:44:09 +0200, Thomas Binder wrote:

> The freezes some seem to experience may well have to do with that. In
> the first place, the AES gets killed (very likely with tools which catch
> Ctrl-Alt-Combos, for example, I experienced the same with KeyWatch),

There is a huge difference between Clocky (which Petr obviously use) and
Keywatch. Clocky only updates a struct in it's own memory-space (which
obviously is global) which is read by applications on a regular basis.
KeyWatch use callbacks, so KW-clients must be sure that the callbacks and
all it's data resides in global memory.

The way Keywatch does it might be more efficient, but using callbacks like
this is *not* appropriate, and bugs in either KeyWatch or one of it's clients
will probably have serious consequences for the entire system.

** Jo Even Skarstein    http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~josk/
**    beer - maria mckee - atari falcon - babylon 5