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Re: [MiNT] Calling GEM from within a signal handler

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Johan Klockars wrote:

> 'lengthy process' suggests to me that it won't be interested in
> communication very often.

Well it isn't always doing lengthy processing, sometimes it will need to
keep the user interface updated quite a lot and if it was only polled a
couple of times per second I think the user interface would feel a bit
sluggish. For example the user might click the mouse, which triggers a
change in the "lengthy process", and screen ought to be updated
immediately to reflect the change.

> Anyway, even without MiNT you can do what I do in the last few MGIF betas.
> All my time consuming tasks periodically call a function whose main
> purpose is to update a 'progress bar'. Like all my dialogs etc nowadays,

Currently the lengthy processes all do that, but not frequently enough to
make the user interface responsive. It would be too problematic to modify
the lengthy processes to call the user interface more frequently.

Well until now I have been using that last method, and it is satisfactory
for the time being. But later I will look into the other possibilities and
see which one seems to be best.

Thanks for all your helpful responses.

| Mario Becroft                * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group |
| mb@tos.pl.net                * Atari Hardware Developments            |
| http://pl.net/~mario/        * Atari Serial Mouse Interface           |