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NCSA httpd

I'm Cc:ing this to the list, because the original email bounced
but I was hopeing someone might know the answer, or maybe Borek
is still subscribing to this list?

This would be helpfull, as I'm trying to port version 1.5.2a ...

Begining of Original message

Hi, I was wondering which compiler option you used when porting
NCSA httpd 1.3 for MiNT?  

There are only preset Makefile for BSD, Sun, SGI, etc. but none
for MiNT, so which one did you choose?  

If you made any changes to allow it to compile, can you provide
a diff file?


End of Original message

 Martin-Eric Racine           The Atari TT030 Homepage with FAQ
 FUNKYWARE CREATIONS inc.     http://members.tripod.com/~TT030/