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Re: Splash-screen

>I'm probably going to hell for this, but...
>I've seen the screenshots and feature-list of MagiC 6, and while there's
>nothing revolutionary in it, there's one small thing I liked, the
>How difficult would it be to redirect everything after the initial
>greeting-text in MiNT to a file, so you can display a splash-screen? If
>it's possibly without too much hassle, then I would like to try.
>Btw. the new windows in MagiC 6 looks great/horrible. The top-bar looks
>very nice indeed, but I *hate* the fat border and resizer. And I wonder
>how apps that has custom window-gadgets (like CAB) looks...

I can't imagine the newer versions of CAB would look bad given they are 
both from ASH.  One never knows, though :-).

Would you have customizable splash screens (does Magic 6?) or a standard 
one?  Just curious.

-scott tirrell

*      Scott Tirrell           Office Assistant     *
*            Guy Gannett Communications             *
*                http://www.nmdg.com                *
*               stirrell@portland.com               *
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*       "Have you played your Atari today?"         *