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Lua language

On response to Peter Ross's post, here's something that works.
I just tested it under STonX/MiNT :).

Lua is quite new, small but also flexible embeddable language.  It's
about 6000 lines of ANSI-C and a MiNT binary of a minimal interpreter
including the lua libary + main extensions (string, io, math) came to
about 100KB.  A bit less than from several others I have tested / have
heard (scheme, python...).

As it has associative arrays and `fallback' mechanisms, one can with
some C glue make Lua farily object oriented (inheritance etc, but no
data hiding).  Much faster than Tcl, not as powerful as Python, but
small and flexible.  IMHO seems quite ideal for embedding on small
computers such as most Ataris are :).

See: http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/lua/

	- Eero