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Re: grumbling about the mint libs.

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Jo Even Skarstein wrote:

>I just typed 'configure m68k; make' (IIRC) and it compiled right away. 
>I had some problems compiling ncurses 4.1 though, due to some missing
>binaries and scripts in my setup, but if you install Petr Stehlik's
>TOS-port there shouldn't be any problems at all. 
hmm TOS port will work perfect for mint?
if yes, cool.

>It works quite well here, although I have a rather old 2.7.2 which
>have problems with Atari/DOS newlines (cr/lf).
I thought 2.7.2 was rather new!?  What is the latest version then?
(not only for mitn, but in general of gcc?)

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