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Re: gcc and mint-libs PL46

What you wrote:
> "Chris Herborth" <chrish@qnx.com> writes:
> |> A "bad filename" should be a recoverable error, no matter what that bad
> |> filename was.
> Sorry for nit picking, but NULL is not a bad filename, it's not a
> filename at all.  A filename is supposed to be a string, and NULL
> isn't.  I don't see the requirement for fopen or any other file
> related function to behave gracefully if passed anything that isn't a
> filename.

But... but...  WHY SHOULD IT CRASH?!?  Something that is-not a filename
IS an invalid filename!

Could somebody test this under a few other compilers on a few other
platforms?  What do Lattice and Pure C's libs do?

Chris Herborth, R&D Technical Writer       Arcane  Dragon     chrish@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.                  -==(UDIC)==-         |||  JAGUAR
http://quest.jpl.nasa.gov/Info-ZIP/people/cjh/chris.html        / | \ 64-bit