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gcc and mint-libs PL46

Bug in the mint libs (PL46)?


fopen( NULL, "r" );

Results in a Bus Error.

Now on to gcc 2.6.3

I'm having a problem with gcc 2.6.3.  I'm trying to compile with
gcc for my falcon.  The -m68020 switch works fine for compiling, the
problem comes while linking.  It still uses the libs for the m68000.
Then I used -lgnu020 and all went well.  Until I also tried to use
-mshort and -m68020 together.  It linked with the libs in the base lib
dir (m68000/2.6.3, the long int libs) instead of the mshort directory
(m68000/2.6.3/mshort, where I've put the short int 020 libs).  So I guess
I have to put gnu16020.olb in the base directory and use -lgnu16020.
This seems wrong to me.  Shouldn't it get the gnu020 lib in the mshort
directory, with -m68020 -mshort -lgnu020?

I've tried using gcc-2.6.3-m68k-mint distribution, but it uses the m68881 
which I don't have.  So throw that try out the window.

How about this.  Using the gcc that defaults to the m68000, when the
-m68020 switch is used linking with the libs in the directory in
gcc-lib/68020/2.6.3 instead of gcc-lib/68000/2.6.3.

How are other people handling the compiling with -m68020 without using -m68881?
