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1.11 pipefs FIONREAD troubles...

 Well, it's not directly a *bug*, but a severe problem I think: If I
create an unidirectional pipe (say, for writing) and then call Finstat()
on it (results in ioctl FIONREAD), the kernel stops with: "assert(`p !=0')
failed at line 845 of pipefs.c". The reason is obvious, but wouldn't it
be fully sufficient if it returns an error?

 Sorry, there isn't a patch for this yet because I don't know how many
other places there are where similar problems might occur.

Torsten Scherer (TeSche, Schiller...), itschere@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Faculty of Technology, University of Bielefeld, Germany, Europe, Earth...
| Use any of "finger itschere@" for adresses and more.	|
| Last updated: 31. July 1994.						|