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Formatting large partitions

Joerg Hessdoerfer writes:

   Has anyone successfully 'minited' a large partition? I'm close to give up.

I have the following problem:

  TT030/6Meg/170MB Quantum LPS, partitioned 4x42
  and an SH204 on the ASCI bus, formatted into 2 10 meg Minited partitions.

Whenever I start Mint or MultiTOS,  and I access one of the 42 meg SCSI
partitions for the first time,  I get a message: `partition k skipped, unknown
sector size'.  When using MultiTOS,  instead of a message on the console,
one gets alert boxes and it's rather irritating to have to close four alert
boxes when someone on the other side of the room accesses your hard disk.

I think minix.xfs checks the partition first, and then whether it's a minix
partition.  But if it can't do anything with the partition, it shouldn't